
Hillary, Abortion and Your Faith

Speaking at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit, Hillary Clinton used euphemisms like “reproductive rights” and “reproductive health” — which of course, includes abortion — and said “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive health care.”

Those deep-seated religious beliefs of yours need to be changed, at least according to Ms. Clinton.

Sterling Outrage Misguided

81-year old Donald Sterling and his "girlfriend" (aka, paid escort, prostitute, hoe) María Vanessa Perez. (aka, V. Stiviano)

81-year old Donald Sterling and his “girlfriend” (aka, paid escort, prostitute, hoe) María Vanessa Perez. (aka, V. Stiviano)

Donald Tokowitz Sterling is a very shrewd businessman and obviously a fool. He not only has a history of racist remarks, he also has a legacy of cheating on his wife, Rochelle (“Shelly”) Stein, with prostitutes, which is a category V. Stiviano may belong. Most “business relationships” do not have the owner of a corporate empire lavishing a female employee of questionable talent with a Ferrari, two Bentleys, a Range Rover, and a $1.8 million duplex, not to mention more than $250,000 cash (as reported by

Most in the media are focused on Sterling’s “racist” remarks, where he pleads with his “girlfriend” not to bring “blacks” to the L.A. Clippers games (the team Sterling owns) because he is “embarrassed” by the “phone calls” and “questions” from his friends. His friends are probably calling him with advice and questions about his judgement to be with a woman fifty years his junior that is making a fool of him.

My question: Why are people outraged at his comments and not his infidelity?

According to several reports, Sterling has a well-known reputation for paying for sex. Which, I would imagine, is painful to his wife. Where is the outrage for this behavior?

Where is the outrage that a “girlfriend” would record conversations and release them to the media?

My guess is that Magic Johnson will end up owning the L.A. Clippers.

The Instagram of Magic Johnson and Stiviano

The Instagram of Magic Johnson and Stiviano


Here’s the audio of Sterling pleading with Stiviano not to embarrass him (via TMZ)

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