
Kaepernick, Nike Keep Lies Alive

Nike keeps the lies of Colin Kaepernick alive with its latest “Just Do It” campaign. Black lives DO matter, but most black killings are done by blacks, not cops. NFL players, just like everyone else, have no First Amendment “rights” when it comes to employment. Kaepernick continues to spout socialist/communist dogma, even though it has never worked more than a generation.

This is a stupid move by #Nike.

Pelosi Doesn’t Remember Gruber

Nancy Pelosi
According to a Washington Post story, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that, not only did Jonathan Gruber not play a significant role in drafting Obamacare, but that she doesn’t even “know who he is.”

Pelosi on Gruber: “I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill.” According to the Washington Post, Pelosi mentioned Gruber and his work in November 2009, at the height of the Obamacare debate.

Here’s the transcript published by the Washington Post, via Nexis:

Q: As you know, the Republicans released their health- care bill this week. And I wanted to get your comment on the bill, and specifically on the CBO analysis that it would cost significantly less than the Democratic plan and that it would lower premiums.

PELOSI: Let me just say this. Anything you need to know about the difference between the Democratic bill and the Republican bill is that the Republicans do not end the health insurance companies’ discrimination against people with preexisting conditions. They let that stand. That’s scandalous, the fact that it exists. I don’t understand why they have not heard the American people, who have said preexisting conditions should not be a source of discrimination.

And secondly, the Republican plan ensures about 3 million more people than now, and ours does 36 million people. So that’s a very big difference in that.

We’re not finished getting all of our reports back from CBO, but we’ll have a side by side to compare. But our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange. And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.

So again, we’re confident about what we set out to do in the bill: middle class affordability, security for our seniors, and accountability to our children.

In trying to distance herself from Gruber, Pelosi’s spokesperson Drew Hammill told the Post that the minority leader meant that she didn’t know Gruber personally. He posted this statement via Twitter to clarify the comment.

Mr. Gruber, who has been touted as a leading architect of ObamaCare, according to Pelosi and Hammill, played no role in drafting th bill

Apparently “the stupidity of the American voter” is something the Democrats are clinging to, somewhat like conservative cling to their guns and Bibles.

Justice Roberts Bought the Lie

Justice Roberts got ObamaCare wrong: ObamaCare was written as a fine because had it been written as a tax, it would not have passed. The American people bought this garbage legislation and SCOTUS gave it a stamp of approval.

President Obama wasn’t lying to conservatives, but rather liberals to get the Affordable Care Act passes. At least we know which group of people the Democrat party believes to be stupid, as no conservative believed the lies.

Chief Justice Roberts interpreted the law as written (a fine) to mean a tax. In Mr. Gruber’s words, “this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If the CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.” Words have meaning, especially in laws and legal proceedings. Justice Roberts bought the lie.

SCOTUS has the opportunity to get it right when the ACA comes before them again soon. We’ll understand if the letter of the law matters or if just the intent of the law is acceptable, no matter how fuzzy or deceitful the language . If intent is good enough, then our system of government is finished.

It’s just — you can’t do it — politically. You just literally cannot do it. OK, transparent financing. Let’s start with transparent financing – transparent spending. I mean, the, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If the CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay. So its written to do that. In terms of, in terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you get a law which said healthy people are going to pay in — you made it explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money — it would not have passed. Okay. Just like the lack of — people — transparent — lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass. And, you know, it’s the second best argument, look, I wish Mark was right and we could make it all transparent, but I rather have this law than not. So its kind of like his reporter story, you know, yeah, there’s things I wish I could change, but rather have this law than not.

We should congratulate Mr. Gruber for his honesty.

Obama the Albatross

Sen Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) was laughed at by the audience at the New Hampshire Senate Debate on Tuesday when she would not give a clear answer on whether she approved of the job President Obama is doing.

Watch the video and read the full story on Breitbart

Sterling Outrage Misguided

81-year old Donald Sterling and his "girlfriend" (aka, paid escort, prostitute, hoe) María Vanessa Perez. (aka, V. Stiviano)

81-year old Donald Sterling and his “girlfriend” (aka, paid escort, prostitute, hoe) María Vanessa Perez. (aka, V. Stiviano)

Donald Tokowitz Sterling is a very shrewd businessman and obviously a fool. He not only has a history of racist remarks, he also has a legacy of cheating on his wife, Rochelle (“Shelly”) Stein, with prostitutes, which is a category V. Stiviano may belong. Most “business relationships” do not have the owner of a corporate empire lavishing a female employee of questionable talent with a Ferrari, two Bentleys, a Range Rover, and a $1.8 million duplex, not to mention more than $250,000 cash (as reported by

Most in the media are focused on Sterling’s “racist” remarks, where he pleads with his “girlfriend” not to bring “blacks” to the L.A. Clippers games (the team Sterling owns) because he is “embarrassed” by the “phone calls” and “questions” from his friends. His friends are probably calling him with advice and questions about his judgement to be with a woman fifty years his junior that is making a fool of him.

My question: Why are people outraged at his comments and not his infidelity?

According to several reports, Sterling has a well-known reputation for paying for sex. Which, I would imagine, is painful to his wife. Where is the outrage for this behavior?

Where is the outrage that a “girlfriend” would record conversations and release them to the media?

My guess is that Magic Johnson will end up owning the L.A. Clippers.

The Instagram of Magic Johnson and Stiviano

The Instagram of Magic Johnson and Stiviano


Here’s the audio of Sterling pleading with Stiviano not to embarrass him (via TMZ)

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