Dr. Carson: Be Part of the Conversation

I truly hope Dr. Benjamin Carson continues to be an important player in our political conversation. Perhaps he will grace us by running for office.

So thankful.

The good Lord has kept us and given us another day to do his will.

After reading the many posts recently, I was left pondering and reflecting upon my life and how valuable we all are to God’s greater plan. There was a sad revelation that race and its many isms continue to divide and separate us from our divine purpose. Everyone has a perspective and many feel they have a monopoly on the truth and fairness. Why does the issue of racism and those that espouse it divides us and causes us to say some of the most hurtful and divisive things to one another. Humility reminds us all that we can never fully serve the greater good if we are incapable of hearing different perspectives, which may lead to an even higher truth. Can we not express ourselves to each other without being malign and reduced to ad Hominem attacks ? All of you that contribute to this space, are irreplaceable and precious gifts given to this planet by God alone. When posting your ideas and feelings, always consider whether they uplift and reflect the God within all of us. This is absolutely possible, whether we vehemently agree or disagree with our sisters and brothers.

Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Facebook

I am not as eloquent or gracious as the dear doctor.